Sell or Trade Your Gear
If you want to maximize the sale price of your instrument, Antiquity Music can help by buying your instrument or by selling it on consignment on our website, which receives thousands of visits every month by people looking for unusual, vintage, and rare musical instruments. It is crucial that sellers understand the difference in value between well-restored and unrestored instruments. Every day, we see unrestored instruments selling for a small fraction of their potential restored prices. When professionally restored, an instrument purchased for a few hundred dollars might become worth many thousands more. Our reputation and experience with restoring a wide variety of musical instruments to the highest professional standards enables us to offer more for your instrument than you might get elsewhere.
If you have an instrument that you would like to sell, consign, or trade, here’s how it works:
1. You submit the requested information about your instrument or gear via the Sell/Consign/Trade Form below
2. We provide an estimate of your items' value and make an offer to purchase them, trade for them, or sell them on consignment.
3. If you accept our offer, you ship us your gear or instruments. If the items are very large, we'll help you find a transportation solution.
4. Once we receive your items, we send you cash or your trade. If you consigned, we send you cash upon payment from the purchaser.